What is Disaster-Proof Roofing?

Specializing in Fortified, Roofing SystemsEnsure Your Roof StandsFirm in Any Disaster

Disaster-proof roofing is a comprehensive approach to ensuring your roof is prepared for whatever may come our way. As the old saying goes, ‘it’s not what you do, but how you do it.’ We focus on the small details that are typically skipped over. All our installs go through a rigorous quality control process. We also have several additional proven steps, such as sealing the entire perimeter. Many of these techniques are incorporated from fortifed roofing systems, which is our primary focus.

AdvantagesWhy Choose OurDisaster Proof Roofing?





Our ProcessOur Unmatched Installation& Quality Control Process

We meticulously inspect and document every roof we install, the same as we would be required to do for a Fortified Designation. This includes a 4 stage inspection process, including a decking inspection, a dry-in inspection, an in progress inspection, and a final inspection. We document this entire process and provide every customer with a detailed photo report upon completion

Step - 01

A Decking Inspection

Step - 02

A Dry-in Inspection

Step - 03

An In Progress Inspection

Step - 04

A Final Inspection

Step - 01

A Decking Inspection

Step - 02

A Dry-in Inspection

Step - 03

An In Progress Inspection

Step - 04

A Final Inspection

Our CredibikityTrusted and Certified toDeliver Excellence

Certified in Lousania Licensed Contractor,IBHS Certified fortified contractor, Louisiana Fortify Homes Program Approved Provider